Sub Project Details

We build and develop the future environment for working, living and communication. We take on projects with the intention of empowering communities and building a sustainable future

All the 33 districts of Assam has been significantly affected due to heavy and incessant rains beginning from first week of July 2019 coupled with flash water from Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh, 5.7 million people including 1.7 million children have to leave their homes for safer places. Till date 79 people have tragically lost their lives (ASDMA). As on 19th of July 2019, a total of 103 revenue circles, 4123 villages, 2, 25, 737 people are living in 1083 relief camps. Estimated 2, 12,122.74 hectare of crop land has been damaged. Livestock washed away. Houses, roads, schools, ICDS centers and other basic infrastructures are damaged badly. For humans and animals, a real threat to their life due to disasters of such a magnitude.

At Kaziranga 1400 forest guards are working 24 hours shifts to rescue wild animals submerged in floods. These forest guards are stationed in 200 camps across different parts of the national park. As the regular source of water {Hand Pumps) are submerged under water, the guards are facing acute shortage of drinking water. The Kaziranga forest authorities are finding it difficult to provide clean drinking water to these guards as a result of which the rescue operations are also suffering. The forest authorities have approached SreemantaSankarMission(SSM) , a registered NGO who have been working for the welfare of the local community for the arrangement of clean drinking water and safety kit for the forest guards. Accordingly, SSM has approached ONGC for financial assistance to provide clean drinking water and safety kits to the forest Guards of Kaziranga.

Project Activities

The project activities included providing 20 litres of water drum for all 200 camps which was refilled for a period of three months. A water dispenser was also provided in each location. Besides, a water bottle with a hook was provided to all 1400 forest guards for carrying water to the field. A safety kit and fluorescent jacket was provided in each camp depending upon the requirement.

Benefit to Society

The project directly helped 1400 forest guards by ensuring clean drinking water. Clean drinking water for the forest guard also facilitated the rescue of wild animals immersed in flood water, inside the Kaziranga National Park. The safety Jackets provided also helped in ensuring that the animals were provided safe passage across the animal corridor which lies in the path of the National Highway 37, ensuring minimum man and animal casualties.