Health Camps
As part of our healthcare outreach, we conduct eye, ENT,...
We build and develop the future environment for working, living and communication. We take on projects with the intention of empowering communities and building a sustainable future
Project Timeline: 2022-02-22
The project (food processing and related) will be the first of its kind in this scale in the area. The women have been a part of SSM’s training programs for the last 2 years. The population, although very earnest and hard working, has not got any opportunity to earn adequately to support their families. Most are BPL families who survive hand to mouth. The area has a largely agricultural base with small rice growers, local fruits and vegetables which can be sourced to fuel the project objectives.
The food processing sector in recent times has seen an increasing demand for organic, wholesome products which help boost immunity and address nutrition demands of the emerging urban, disease-prone population. The location is well-connected by road and rail heads, being barely 2 kilometres from NH31 and Rangia Railway junction.
The people—around 150 to 200 in number—have natural skills of food processing through traditional methods. Our project will attempt to enhance this natural skill and knowledge profile by introducing adequate training programs and using machinery to enable them to utilise their potential to the fullest.
Majority of the beneficiaries/trainees/workers are women. They are eager to supplement their meagre farming incomes and improve their lives. The NGO has been successful in engaging these people in different short duration training programs, namely water hyacinth crafts and is aware of the hardworking, committed people who are eager to accept the challenge. We intend to create a brand which will find itself on the shelves of prominent Khadi Centre outlets across the country and abroad.
Our commitment to creating a model KVI project is non-negotiable, as we believe Khadi (KVIC) is the only answer to self reliance and integrity through quality products that ensure better health and happiness—good quality to ensure good health and economy for the grassroots farmers and families.
The beneficiaries of the project are from very disadvantaged backgrounds, mostly working as labourers or in small agricultural holdings subsisting hand to mouth. From BPL families, they are willing to be trained and work in the program in order to improve their lives.
The importance of this is more relevant as after the COVID situation, many of the bread earners (working in small private jobs) had to lose their jobs and survive in the context of feeding, medical expenses and education for their children have become a challenge.
The beneficiaries are naturally semi-skilled having basic knowledge of weaving and food preservation. Lack of basic infrastructure and training are hurdles towards sustainability and increasing their earning capacity right now. Regular income from the project will help bring positive lifestyle changes and help make lives better.
location of the project is in Xonkani village, Borbhag, Nalbari and well
connected by road and rail (nearest being Rangia junction). The villagers are
eager to learn and work hard at creating a positive environment and help
provide employment opportunities where there are none.